We are a student-led team of dedicated, intelligent people striving to learn and apply STEM related skills in a competitive environment. As a combat robotics team, we must design and build robots using advanced CAD and manufacturing technologies to be successful. The goal is to inflict damage on the opponent’s robot, which means only the best designs will win. These almost always use the strongest available materials and beefiest electronics. There is always room for improvement and no robot will ever be guaranteed to win, making each event very exciting. Our team must also be practiced in troubleshooting or fixing our robot because the busiest (and most stressful) time during a competition is in between fights. We can have as little as 30 minutes to repair a potentially drastically damaged robot. Sometimes this is as easy as swapping batteries while other times it can mean changing the entire chassis. All in all, students in Tech High robotics not only get the opportunity to work in a cooperative but competitive environment, but they also acquire skills in computer aided design, electrical engineering, manufacturing, and fast-paced problem solving. As a result, we gain experience in the technical skills that may be needed in our future careers.
- Teach students skills that can be applied in STEM fields
- Provide leadership and PR opportunities
- Build highly competitive robots using advanced manufacturing technologies
- Foster connections to industry
- Have fun!
What Our Students Learn
- CAD (Computer Aided Design)
- Basics of Electronics
- Soldering
- Circuitry
- High-power Electronic Systems
- Brushed and Brushless Motors
- Brushed and Brushless Motor Controllers
- Power Switches
- Batteries
- Material Properties and Trade-offs
- Welding
- 3D-Printing
- Basics of CNC Machining
- Combat Robot Design Considerations
- Types of Weapons
- Drive Systems
- Weapon Drive Systems
- Armor
- Teamwork
- Problem solving
- Leadership Skills
- Public Outreach Skills
- Budgeting
- Critical Thinking and Creativity
- Time Management